sekarang facebook makin keren dengan tampilan aplikasi baru yaitu untuk merubah layout dari background page facebook kita.nih aku kasih lihat contohnya....Liat aja nihmau tahu caranya?
yuk lanjut....
kamu cukup masuk ke aplikasi facebook dari
tapi kamu harus login dulu ke facebook....OK
udah login?karang masuk ke
nah kan ada banyak pilihan tuh...pilih aja sesukamu....gampang kan?
OK deh silahkan di coba.....Met mencoba..
good luck...
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Program Penghitung Luas Lingkaran
grace, finally completed this task as well, now want to know more details .... I do this program using java programming language
come on let's go ... I've lived sediain download aja kok ....
ya he is you are looking for, do not forget to comment ...
let's share
come on let's go ... I've lived sediain download aja kok ....
ya he is you are looking for, do not forget to comment ...
let's share
Laporan Akuntansi Pengantar 7&8
This advanced report of the accounting lab report introduction 7 & 8
as usual simply download link below ... good luck
Laporan Akuntansi Pengantar 7&8
as usual simply download link below ... good luck
Laporan Akuntansi Pengantar 7&8
Laporan Akuntansi Pengantar 5&6
This report advanced the introduction of accounting lab reports 1 & 2
as usual simply download link below ... good luck
Laporan Akuntansi Pengantar 5&6
as usual simply download link below ... good luck
Laporan Akuntansi Pengantar 5&6
Laporan Akuntansi Pengantar 3&4
for friends majoring in information systems I share my report ....
OK enough just click on this link Laporan Akuntansi Pengantar 3&4
OK enough just click on this link Laporan Akuntansi Pengantar 3&4
Laporan Statistik Dasar 3&4
added another one lab report just download it Laporan Praktikum 3 & 4
Remote Desktop Control Software
Despite the fact that all human society was suspected about economic wreck, everyone was concerned that the whole Earth is not heading to a global breakdown . It was taken as a nonsense . People hasn't noticed how words such as scare, crisis and others have been on our lips recently. The world economic situation has brought us many questions that simply cannot be answered.
In the hard times the only way to save money is to find an effective solution to stop unconcerned spending. Those people, who do for living providing IT support states, that nothing saves money so well as a remote desktop control solution
which allows to cover the long distances with a mouse click and not to expend an expensive fuel in order just to reach a remote desktop of the customer . The most popular remote control software: VNC vista (, PC Anywhere (, Anyplace Control (, etc.
Anyplace Control, an easy to use, powerful and secure remote computer software seemed to be a way-out for all people who has PC at home and from time to time need more or less qualified support. Despite the necessity to pay money for IT specialist call to fix computer bug , the nearest and dearest son , brother, friend or lover, who knows PC better may perform a remote assistance and to fix the issue in a split second. Thus , saved money for IT support service could be used in a more noble purposes.
Anyplace Control usage helps not only individual users. Small companies and large corporations could even gain a profit from remote control computer maintenance using remote control software. There is no need to hold the whole staff of Network Administrators and IT Specialists to trig all network things in order. One person can easily perform the same from the working place without leaving the office. In other words, the time used to cover the miles of corridors to fix the bug before now is used twice effectively after connection to remote PC.
Anyplace Control - the remote computer software, displays the remote desktop on the screen of your local PC and allows you to control a remote PC using your own mouse and keyboard. It may be performed either in LAN or over the Internet. File Transfer feature is an easy and secure way to transfer files between the local and remote PCs. The interface of the software is designed to reach a maximum convenience, and be user-friendly. This remote computer software allows the user to shutdown and restart remote computer , disable a remote keyboard/mouse, turn off remote monitors in one click or log off the remote Windows users.
Anyplace Control Software (, the vendor of mentioned solution, well known for their individual approach to each user has performed several changes in their Sales Policy to compromise with the clients and the global economic situation. They have drawback the price to buy the software for individual users and extended the license subscription for "companies" editions . Such broadminded motion has already won the sympathy of new and already registered users. Nowadays it is rather hard to find the vendor, who cares not only about the gain, but also stays humane inside.
Is there any need to make a conclusion. Wise people save money where they can. Are you among them?
In the hard times the only way to save money is to find an effective solution to stop unconcerned spending. Those people, who do for living providing IT support states, that nothing saves money so well as a remote desktop control solution
which allows to cover the long distances with a mouse click and not to expend an expensive fuel in order just to reach a remote desktop of the customer . The most popular remote control software: VNC vista (, PC Anywhere (, Anyplace Control (, etc.
Anyplace Control, an easy to use, powerful and secure remote computer software seemed to be a way-out for all people who has PC at home and from time to time need more or less qualified support. Despite the necessity to pay money for IT specialist call to fix computer bug , the nearest and dearest son , brother, friend or lover, who knows PC better may perform a remote assistance and to fix the issue in a split second. Thus , saved money for IT support service could be used in a more noble purposes.
Anyplace Control usage helps not only individual users. Small companies and large corporations could even gain a profit from remote control computer maintenance using remote control software. There is no need to hold the whole staff of Network Administrators and IT Specialists to trig all network things in order. One person can easily perform the same from the working place without leaving the office. In other words, the time used to cover the miles of corridors to fix the bug before now is used twice effectively after connection to remote PC.
Anyplace Control - the remote computer software, displays the remote desktop on the screen of your local PC and allows you to control a remote PC using your own mouse and keyboard. It may be performed either in LAN or over the Internet. File Transfer feature is an easy and secure way to transfer files between the local and remote PCs. The interface of the software is designed to reach a maximum convenience, and be user-friendly. This remote computer software allows the user to shutdown and restart remote computer , disable a remote keyboard/mouse, turn off remote monitors in one click or log off the remote Windows users.
Anyplace Control Software (, the vendor of mentioned solution, well known for their individual approach to each user has performed several changes in their Sales Policy to compromise with the clients and the global economic situation. They have drawback the price to buy the software for individual users and extended the license subscription for "companies" editions . Such broadminded motion has already won the sympathy of new and already registered users. Nowadays it is rather hard to find the vendor, who cares not only about the gain, but also stays humane inside.
Is there any need to make a conclusion. Wise people save money where they can. Are you among them?
MOVING MESSAGE (text berjalan di address)
In this post I'll tell about how to make moving message on the address this
Let's making now........
as usual log in to dasbor>layout>edit HTML
2.Then, find the code of ]]></b:skin>
3.Copy the code below and put it under the code ]]></b:skin>
<script type='text/javascript'>
msg = " ";
msg = "find your dream ,and add your knowledge" + msg;pos = 0;
function scrollMSG() {
document.title = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, pos); pos++;
if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0
4.replace the red text with a message you want.
hopefully useful
Monday, April 18, 2011
A. Object oriented
• The development of object-oriented systems differ from conventional development thatviews software as an isolated function and data.
• This view can be expressed by equation Niklaus Wirth expressed as follows:
Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs
• The equation that states that software programs are:
"a set of mechanisms that perform certain actions on certain data. "
• Thus, in this approach there are 2 (two) different things that complement each other inlooking at software development, namely:
Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs
• The equation that states that software programs are:
"a set of mechanisms that perform certain actions on certain data. "
• Thus, in this approach there are 2 (two) different things that complement each other inlooking at software development, namely:
1. Dapat berfokus pada fungsi,
2. Berfokus pada data
• Pada pendekatan konvensional, kebanyakan berfokus pada fungsi.
• Namun juga terdapat pendekatan yang fokus pada data, terutama pada basis data dan pemodelan informasi.
• Sedangkan pandangan berorientasi obyek berpusat pada obyek yang mengkombinasikan data dan fungsionalitas.
• Pendekatan berorientasi obyek adalah
“ cara memandang persoalan menggunakan model-model yang diorganisasikan seputar konsep obyek yang mengkombinasikan struktur data dan perilaku suatu entitas “.
• Pada pendekatan berorientasi objek, blok pembangun utama sistem perangkat lunak adalah obyek dan/atau kelas.
B. Dampak Pendekatan Berorientasi Obyek
Perbedaan antara pendekatan berorientasi obyek dengan pendekatan pengembangan perangkat lunak konvensional mempengaruhi proses pengembangan dan produk perangkat lunak itu sendiri, di antaranya :
1. Penggeseran usaha pengembangan menjadi intensif pada fase analisis dan perancangan.
2. Penekanan pada obyek bukan data ataupun fungsi.
3. Proses pengembangan yang seamlessness.
4. Iteratif bukan sekuen.
C. Keunggulan Pendekatan Berorientasi Obyek
Keunggulan pendekatan berorientasi obyek adalah :
1. Bekerja yang mendekati kognisi manusia.
2. Menghasilkan sistem yang dibangun di atas bentuk-bentuk antara yang stabil, dengan demikian lebih mampu untuk mengikuti perubahan.
3. Dapat digunakan tidak hanya pada perancangan perangkat lunak, tetapi juga seluruh proses pengembangan perangkat lunak.
4. Mereduksi resiko pengembangan sistem-sistem kompleks.
5. Dapat membantu mengeksploitasi keampuhan bahasa pemrograman berbasis obyek.
• Obyek adalah :“ segala sesuatu yang ada di sekitar kita, dimana obyek-obyeklah yang menyusun dunia ini “.
Misal : manusia, gunung, mobil, becak, dll.
• Setiap obyek mempunyai informasi-informasi atau atribut-atribut dan perilaku sebagai suatu operasi pengaturnya.
• Atribut-atribut obyek contohnya adalah : jumlah tangan, jumlah kaki, jumlah roda, warna, berat, dan seterusnya.
• Sedangkan operasi-operasi pengatur obyek contohnya adalah : berjalan, meletus, belok kanan, belok kiri, menaikkan kecepatan, dan seterusnya.
E. CLASS (Kelas)
• Himpunan obyek-obyek yang sejenis disebut Class (Kelas).
• Obyek adalah contoh /instance dari sebuah class.
• Sebagai contoh class binatang adalah berekor dan berkaki empat.
• Contoh/instance yang mungkin pada class ini adalah kucing, gajah, kuda, dll.
• Encapsulation (pengkapsulan) sering disebut dengan penyembunyian informasi (information hiding).
• Konsep ini sebenarnya lebih didasari pada fakta yang ada di dunia nyata bahwa tidak semua hal perlu diperhatikan.
• Contoh :
- remote control televisi yang menyembunyikan informasi untuk perubahan channel, volume.
- monitor menyembunyikan operasinya terhadap CPU.
- Pada software, jika suatu kesalahan/error terjadi pada suatu obyek, hanya perlu memperbaiki obyek tersebut tanpa perlu mengotak-atik obyek yang lain.
• Polimorphisme adalah :
• konsep yang sangat handal bagi pengembang perangkat lunak untuk pemisahan secara jelas diantara sub sistem yang berbeda.
• Sebuah sistem akan bisa dimodifikasi secara mudah karena hanya dibutuhkan interface antar class.
• Contoh : Hitung Gaji,Baca Koran dll.
H. Generalisasi
• Generalisasi di OO digunakan untuk :
• menjelaskan hubungan kesamaan diantara class. Obyek-obyek class bisa diatur secara hierarkies.
• Manfaatnya :
• Bisa mengetahui antara class induk dengan class sub-sub dibawahnya.
• Minimal 1 atribut yang dimiliki class induk akan turun (mengalir) ke class-class subnya.
• Yang dimaksud dengan inheritance adalah:
• Apapun atribut dan operasi dari class induk akan dimiliki juga oleh semua obyek yang diinherit/diturunkan dari class tersebut.
• Sifat ini tidak hanya berlaku untuk obyek terhadap class, tetapi juga berlaku untuk class terhadap class lainnya.
• Asosiasi adalah :“kelas-kelas yang terhubungkan satu sama lain secara konseptual”
• Contoh :
• Ketika sebuah kelas berasosiasi dengan yang lain, setiap kelas biasanya memainkan peran pada asosiasi tersebut.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Laporan Statistik Dasar 1&2
now I added another one lab report statistical meetings 1 & 2
just click Laporan Statistik Dasar 1&2
just click Laporan Statistik Dasar 1&2
Laporan Pemrograman Desktop 1&2
Like usual I upload anymore Desktop Programming Reports 1 & 2 Just download it
Laporan Pemrograman Desktop 1&2
Laporan Sistem Operasi
Report this Operating System I upload for all who are looking for references and forfriends all that trouble for lab reports.
just download it
just download it
Laporan Sistem Operasi
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